Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BF3 DLC Content

So as you may or may not know, EA has decided to add DLC for the pre order of BF3.  This includes an early release of the Dao-12.  To see the full list click here.  With a majority of the FPS/Gaming community in an uproar as it causes an unfair advantage to players who decide or have the money to pre order the game.  How does everyone feel about the current state of affairs at EA?  I personally have been waiting too long for this game to get a butt hurt about a bit of DLC.  How does everyone else feel about the current situation?


  1. god i hate DLC. what ever happened to the good ol days where you just played to unlock stuff? or even better, it was just all there for you lol

  2. DLC sucks because they want you to buy it. It's good because you can get more content.

    Does the good outweigh the bad? Depends on the game probably.

  3. I enjoyed some DLCs much more than the original game. For example, Mothership Zeta blew my mind. But I have to admit, they tend to be a little crappy :/

  4. DLC is one of things that's annoying me about the new generation of gaming. I suppose they have to figure out new ways to get around the issues that game companies are having though right? Can't blame them. It's a different era.

  5. I just hate it when you get extra bonuses in a game for preordering it or whatever. It really seems a bit unfair.


  6. I think it's a bit annoying that you can only get certain dlc if you pre-order.

  7. Already intended to build an entire new PC just to run the game, 5$ down doesn't upset me too much after that.

  8. If they're releasing it with DLC why didn't they just make it part of the shipped game? I'd rather wait an extra six months for a game, and have all of that DLC content included. If you count the DLC as part of the "Full game experience" then, for example, the full game of Fable III costs $60 + the price of all of its DLC. It's... annoying.

  9. don't know how to feel about this, bout to google for more info

  10. Oh yes! another game which isn't finished properly so we can buy the full game for some extra money but I don't feel bad because we didnt pay in my case 70 euro's for a game at once... instead we've spreaded it over a year or so... cheers... f*** dlc imo.. and there has been a flame war already about this pre-order dlc.

  11. If it was just maps, I wouldn't care. I only really played one map (Heavy Metal) in BC2. But judging by what's on the link, pre-orderers are getting an absurd set of play advantages. A machine gun [i]with bipod[/i], an [i]automatic[/i] shotgun with [i]armor piercing[/i] rounds (!?!), and a flash suppressor to make you harder to pinpoint when sniping? What the hell?

    I think I might skip this one.

  12. I don't mind pre-order dlc, but the BF3 one seems a bit excessive

  13. It looks like everyone will get access to it, and it's just a "timed exclusive".


    I still don't really want the game. They'll probably release it all later when the game's activity is down in order to try and bring people back, so it'll probably be too late in the game's cycle. You'd be coming in after everyone knows the maps by heart and you'll only get owned. :/

  14. Ea, valve, activision, all the big companys are moving toward paid for premium content, no matter how we feel about it, i doubt it will bring change, on the plus side we get more content. and progressively better "freemium" games. expect more dlc and and power weapons for cash in the future.
